Out of a desire to reconnect with nature the Dales built their woodland home in SW Wales. With no architectural experience Simon Dale built this with his father-in-law and a few friends in a matter of 4 months. They used all natural materials and built it to have as low of an environmental impact as possible. The cost a mere $6,000.

* Stone and mud from diggings used for retaining walls, foundations etc.
* Frame of oak branches (spare wood) from surrounding woodland
* Straw bales in floor, walls and roof for super-insulation and easy building
* Plastic sheet and mud/turf roof for low impact and ease
* Lime plaster on walls is breathable and low energy to manufacture (compared to cement)
* Reclaimed (scrap) wood for floors and fittings
* Anything you could possibly want is in a rubbish pile somewhere (windows, burner, plumbing, wiring….
* Woodburner for heating - renewable and locally plentiful
* Flue goes through big stone/plaster lump to retain and slowly release heat
* Fridge is cooled by air coming underground through foundations
* Skylight in roof lets in natural feeling light
* Solar panels for lighting, music and computing
* Water by gravity from nearby spring
The Hobbit Poem
On a great adventure they left,
To regain their stolen treasure,
Over fen, peak dale and cleft,
They journeyed without leisure,
Many a-foe they smote along the way,
With audacity and rage they stumbled,
Over the well trodden path of clay,
"Thank you for the meagre provisions," they mumbled,
After long while they reached the dragon’s and their treasure’s lair,
A tumultuous battle ensued, and finally the dragon was slain by a single shaft,
Bard was the archer’s name; true by the mark was his shot through the air,
With riches beyond measure they returned, so rich, that they could ignore their craft,
So after such an epic odyssey,
From age to age, you can often hear the phrase; ‘There and back again.’
–Anay Kamtikar
Till next time, Happy Decorating.
Great photos! Whimsical...love it!
Thanks for sharing your photos.
Happy Outdoor Wednesday
Hi Kathleen...That is just amazing!! ...and cute, too! Have a great evening...Debbie
Now isn't this something? A fairy tale come true! My son love the Hobbit books and then the movies.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
I was thinking it looked like a hobbit house and then I get below the pictures and there's a hobbit poem :) That's so cool!
That is the cutest thing EVER! So glad you shared this, Kathleen. It is just storybook cute. I'm stunned!
Happy OW!
Sheila :-)
Whimsical. I wonder how many square feet and how it's decorated. lol
What a delight!!!! Thank you for sharing,
That is the coziest little dwelling...thanks for sharing!
super post! i would love a wee spot like this~ now if only i could be wee...
Looks like a whimsical place to live. Great photos!
All the best, Lana
I am sooo charmed by this post! I think Outdoor Wednesay is one of the most interesting memes out there...everybody posts such interesting pictures.
What amazing photos. I felt like I could step into several of them.
Thanks for sharing these.
Beautiful photographs of an amazing house. It really is fun, and can you imagine being able to build a home for $6000? Kathy
I find this amazing. Thank you for sharing.
What a sweet post! Love it! ;) ~CC Catherine from "Catherine de th`e Cups" (I'm a bit behind this week from traveling!)
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Hope you are having a great weekend!
Stop by my blog when you get a chance I have an award for you!
Hope you are having a great weekend!
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