Sunday, May 17, 2009

Straw Hats

Straw hats are another one of my loves. As soon as I clean my house today I will be on another hunting expedition. I scored really big last week. Finds, vintage woven picnic basket, woven tote, woven hat, vintage lace dress, candleier. I'll take photos and share all of my goodies.



Laura Trevey said...

ahh... makes me think of summer~~

enjoy your Sunday~~

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Oh goody - can't wait to see all of your finds :)

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I adore straw hats! I wish my head weren't so big, they never seem to fit. That sounds funny, I guess. It's not like you would look at me and say "that woman has a big head" or anything-they just never seem to fit, that's all. They certainly make a beautiful display though!